Saturday, 1 November 2008

We gave a questionnaire to the people kind enough to trial the briquettes, this is the most comprehensive reply we got back, listed are the questions (in bold) with the answers and at the end the ‘your comments’ section.

Burning on a log burner with no boiler,

What did you think about the handling of them? When handling them they were a bit messy and crumbly (on the outer layers only) if you give them a shake before taking them out of the bag it helps.
Did you use kinderling to start them off? Yes.
How many did you use to produce an adequate temperature? 6.
How many did you burn in an evening? 16 (from 3.30pm-1am) Friday night 1st night of trying them (see below for more info).
Did you find the briquettes smoky? Yes.
How did you find the ash? No different than logs, the bricks ash stayed in shape though.
How did you find the briquettes compare to logs? Lighter and more convenient to handle than logs. Produced a base ember to lay more on top.
How did you find the briquettes compare to coal? We do not use coal.
Would you buy the briquettes and in what quantity? Yes, in half tone bags.
Overall how would you rate the briquettes? Between 1-10 (10 being best) 8/10
Your Comments:
Started by trying without paper or kinderling, no joy. Then tried just paper, no joy. Then paper and kinderling and they lit, fine once there was a good heat beneath them and the bricks had reached a good temperature. Surprisingly once the log burner had warmed and the first few bricks had burned, the embers made a good start for further bricks-but you need to make sure that they haven’t burned too far through, as we found that the brick collapsed and was more difficult to get further ones burning.
As for the smoke-they were Smokey only at the start of burning until they reached temperature and then this settled down a lot. No adverse smell that we noticed and although we did use quite a few the first night-as we got more used to them this made it easier and we used less the following night. We did want to try them without any other fuel except for kinderling and I can say that the heat was very satisfactory throughout the evening. it has to be said we do like it quite warm! We where able to open the lounge door and let the heat rise up onto the landing. We do have quite a large house and we did find this was sufficient enough to warm and take the evening chill off the house as usual.
Overall we found them very good and a good comparison to logs. As a product it is a very good idea and very Eco friendly. Both my nine year old daughter and I made this experiment quite fun and we enjoyed trying something new out.
1st evening used 16 -(3.30pm-1am) started very cold room, finished warm as toast!
2nd evening used 10 - (4pm-11pm)
3rd evening used 8 – (5pm,-10pm)
On average I would say our family used between 6-10 once we got use to them, you do have to keep on top though and not allow them to burn too fiercely by controlling air flow constantly once they are alight, using 3 at a time as our log burner is large and to bring it up to temperature and maintain it throughout the evening.
If you have tried the bricks and would like to add a comment PLEASE do so!

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